A mixture of heart-pumping strength moves,

mobility & alignment,

and feeling your core recruited in every movement —

these workouts are highly efficient and body-changing. You will get fit from every angle, inside-out.

Current classes offered online via ZOOM.



Props like blocks, magic circles, balls, BOSUs, towels, and bands amplify and enhance your Pilates workout. By isolating or engaging specific muscles, props can foster “a-ha” moments even during the most familiar exercises. Using props brings deeper focus to the core muscles and adds a bit of “umpf!”

  • Intermediate level. Participants must have an understanding of the Pilates fundamentals and the beginner system exercises.
  • Class includes short invigorating cardio bursts. Low to high impact.


Challenge Every Major Muscle Group.

Pilates + mixed modal training: Using equipment like mini-resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, bodyweight moves + cardio and the principles of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training): build strength, endurance and stamina. Get the burn without the burn out. These classes will give you a total body workout.

  • Intermediate level. 
  • Class includes short invigorating cardio bursts. Low to high impact.

Total Body Strength and Conditioning w/YIN cooldown

Build Strength and Endurance.

Work all muscle groups with a variety of strengthening and conditioning exercises. Tone upper and lower body using resistance like weights (dumbbells, kettlebells), mini- resistance bands, and your own body weight. This class is designed to help shed that excess fat while building strength and endurance. This class includes circuit training, cardio exercise, body weight exercises and finishes with core training and stretching for a complete workout. Alternative equipment can be used if you don’t have access to weights. We end class with restorative YIN yoga to release and recover.

  • Equipment: dumbbells, kettlebells, mini resistance bands
  • YIN equipment: bolsters (or large pillows), blocks
  • Mixed level class.


Total. Body. Workout.

FIT Strong. is designed to create a stronger, leaner and more balanced musculature. Strength work will include a variety of equipment such as dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells and resistance tube bands as well as some mat exercises like glute bridges. A balanced approach to programming combining the principles with Functional Training and Metabolic Conditioning. FIT Strong uses a myriad of variables to be highly effective while keeping your workouts fun, interesting and unpredictable.

  • Not recommended for beginners. Intermediate + only. Must have experience with FIT group classes and/or strength training.
  • Equipment includes, but not limited to: dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, boxes or steps, mini bands, tube bands, resistance bands, SWISS ball, BOSU
  • All programming will include some exercises using a barbell.
  • Registration for class must be approved by instructor.
  • Use the Contact tab above for more information.
Drop-in $25
FIT FLEX 10 pass: (10 classes) $200
  • A ZOOM link will be sent to the email address you provide when you book a class.

  • Cancellations within 1 hour of your class time or full class will be charged.

  • Payment is due prior to starting class.

  • Payment via Venmo or Zelle preferred.  A 2.75% fee will be added to all credit card payments.

  • Release of Liability: The utilization of Services, participation in classes and activiites, including, but not limited to, use and operation of the equipment may involve the risk of injury. Client understands and voluntarily accepts the risk and agrees that no one at FIT by renata will be liable for any injury, including, without limitation, any personal, bodily or mental injury; death, economic or non-economic loss or damage resulting from the Services and use of the equipment, or from negligence.